Library FiniteTerm
This library defines the type finite_term of finite terms.
Require Import Max. Require Import List.
Require Export Signature.
Require Export Variables.
Require Export Vector.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section FiniteTerm.
Terms are defined inductively over a signature F and a set of
variables X.
Variable F : signature.
Variable X : variables.
Inductive finite_term : Type :=
| FVar : X -> finite_term
| FFun : forall f : F, vector finite_term (arity f) -> finite_term.
Notation fterm := (finite_term).
Notation fterms := (vector fterm).
Fixpoint size (t : fterm) : nat :=
match t with
| FVar _ => 1
| FFun _ args => 1 + vfold 0 plus (vmap size args)
Fixpoint pattern_depth (t : fterm) : nat :=
match t with
| FVar _ => 0
| FFun _ args => 1 + vfold 0 max (vmap pattern_depth args)
List of variable occurrences in a finite term.
Fixpoint vars (t : fterm) : list X :=
match t with
| FVar x => x :: nil
| FFun _ args => vfold nil (@app X) (vmap vars args)
match t with
| FVar x => x :: nil
| FFun _ args => vfold nil (@app X) (vmap vars args)
A finite term is linear if it has no duplicate variable occurrences.